Uppsala University Press

**Peer Review Policy for Scholarly books from Uppsala University Publications (books.uu.se) **

Books eligible for inclusion on the platform Scholarly books from Uppsala University Publications are:

  1. published through Uppsala University
  2. distributed with open licenses (CC-BY, CC-BY-NC or CC-BY-NC-ND)
  3. vetted through two forms of quality control: editorial overview and peer review.

The list below goes through each term of eligibility in numerical order.

  1. The purpose of this platform is to disseminate peer reviewed works from Uppsala University. It is open for books written by authors unaffiliated to Uppsala University, but decisions about book proposals and other editorial matters rests entirely with editors, who must be affiliated to Uppsala University. Books that have not been accepted for publication in one of the book series at Uppsala University, or approved for publication by one of its departments cannot be hosted on the platform. A list of book series in Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis can be found here.
  2. This is an open access platform founded on the conviction that research thrives in an environment defined by openness. In keeping with this belief, it hosts books with Creative Commons-licenses that ensures the availability and openness of all works distributed through the platform. Books that cannot be freely accessed, downloaded, disseminated and used by others are not eligible for inclusion on the platform.
  3. A key purpose of this platform is to promote academic evaluation. Books eligible for inclusion goes through a peer review process involving one or more external experts who scrutinizes the manuscript before publication. External reviewers are chosen for their expertise in the field covered by the proposed book and are independent from the process of editorial decisionmaking. In addition, books hosted on the platform have been checked by editors, who are researchers knowledgeable in their respective fields and manages the publication process.

The following guideline details the steps associated with the quality control preceding the publication of books eligible for inclusion on the platform.

  • The editorial overview of a manuscript is a key step in the review process preceding the publication of books distributed on this platform. Editors make an overall assessment of the manuscript in light of the thematic orientation and publishing policy of the book series.
  • Manuscripts that meet the standards defined by the editor undergoes a peer review process, which can be open, single blind or double blind.
  • Peer reviewers read the manuscript and forms an opinions about its scholarly quality and suggests possible revisions, using their own evaluation criteria to assist the review process.
  • The author makes revisions if necessary in response to feedback from reviewers.
  • Editors make final decisions about manuscripts in their finished state. Reviewers may be called upon for additional rounds of review for manuscripts that need further revisions.