SISSA Medialab

Peer review procedure

In keeping with the motto “by scientists for scientists”, SISSA Medialab and the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) are committed to publishing open access books of great interest to the scientific community.

An editorial board formed by ICTP and SISSA academics is going to oversee the content and ensure its quality. Each volume, whether invited by the board or spontaneously submitted, is peer reviewed:

First, the original proposal together with an abstract, synopsis, table of content, author’s cv etc, is assigned to and evaluated by a member of the editorial board. Then, in case of potential interest, the final manuscript is reviewed by an expert indicated by the editor in charge. Great care is taken to avoid potential conflicts of interest. The review process can be open if all parties agree with it. Otherwise will be conducted single blind. Upon completion of any revisions required by the reviewer, the book is published with a positive recommendation from the editor in charge. As a token of gratitude for writing a thorough report, SISSA Medialab shall offer the reviewer a fee.