Hollitzer Verlag

Peer review procedure

Hollitzer Verlag is a Viennese publishing house specializing in academie publications in the fields of musicology, theatre studies and cultural history. Hollitzer uses various peer review methods to ensure a high academie standard. First, the manuscript is reviewed by an internal editor who is very knowledgeable in the respective academie discipline. lf the manuscript is to be published in a specific book series, the editor/ editorial board of this series also reviews it. This includes internal and external peers. Manuscripts or book drafts that undergo a peer review process are sent by supervisors or editors of a publication or series for external review (single-blind or double-blind) to recognized experts in the respective academie field.

Hollitzer Verlag complies with the open access requirements of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF).

Hollitzer Verlag complies with the quality standards for open access books as phrased by the AG Universitätsverlage.