DM Studies

Peer review procedure

The DM Studies have a single-blind peer review procedure. The current Editor-ln-Chief is PD Dr. Ulf Hashagen, the current Managing Editor is Markus Ehberger (both: Research lnstitute Deutsches Museum).

The peer review procedure and the publication procedure is also explained on our web page:

The detailed peer review procedure is as follows: The Editor-in-Chief and the Managing Editor assess whether the manuscript is in principle suitable for publication in the DM Studies series. This includes an initia! review of the content and checking for adherence to scientific standards.

Once approved, an editor is assigned to assist the authors and to supervise the publication and review process. The main criterion for the assignment of the respective editor is their field of expertise.

The peer review process is single-blind. Two experts in the respective field will be asked to review the manuscript. Whenever possible, one of the reviewers will be chosen from the Academie Board. Based on these reviews, a final decision is made as to whether the publication will be included in the series.

The anonymised reviews are forwarded to the authors. lf the reviewers have requested alterations or raised queries, the authors now have the opportunity to comment, revise and resubmit the manuscript. Next, the assigned editor will examine the implementation of the reviewers’ suggestions. Provided that the authors have adequately implemented the suggestions, they will receive the go-ahead and a publication agreement from the Managing Editor.